Wednesday, September 17, 2008


It's been really hectic since I've been back to school and I haven't found anytime to blog yet. I am working on it though ;) I have two exciting things to look back on and forward to:

1. My friend Allison's father was able to get us backstage tickets to the Badgley Mischka show for the last day of fashion week. It was amazing!!!! I couldn't help myself. I felt right at home. The flashing lights, runway, people, and of course the clothes were the highlight of my day (even though it started to rain). We went to the 12:30 show and then grabbed some lunch and did a little shopping before. We then went back and mingled with some people and Havaiana was giving away cute bags that would be perfect for the beach. Overall, the day took my breath away.

2. I go to C.W. Post and they don't have any classes on fashion (I'm a broadcast major), so the closest I could get is the annual fashion show. Last year I was the assistant fashion coordinator and this year I am hoping that I will be the fashion coordinator. So, keep your fingers crossed for me.

That's all I have for now since Im at work.